Want to get control of your life? Get organized, get fit, get finances
together? In Faithful, Fit & Fabulous, Connie E. Sokol shares
simple-to-use practices with solid gospel principles to tidy up your
life—not to perfection but to a smoother 80% in key life areas.
As a mother of six, Connie E. Sokol shows you how to tweak your life
to get more joy. Discover how to successfully create small but
significant changes in eight areas: Holy Habits, Personal Life Plan,
Fit & Fabulous, Joy in Womanhood, Balance in Motherhood, Healthy
Relationships, Home Organization, and Savvy Finances.
Filled with humor and "I can relate" life experiences, Faithful, Fit
and Fabulous is the ideal life boost—no guilt, no feeling overwhelmed,
and no reaching for that pan of brownies. Read it for fun and let the
concepts simmer. Or, jump in and create life changes right now with
eight goals in eight weeks. Faithful, Fit & Fabulous shows you each
step of the way.
Through gospel principles combined with everyday practices, you can
finally focus on priorities while enjoying the process. Life-improving
has never been more enjoyable or rewarding!
Faithful, Fit and Fabulous is not your typical self-help book. I dread those with their,"It's not that hard to be perfect. I have eight kids, a perfect job, perfect house, perfect body, etc. etc." Connie's book is nothing like that. She divides our lives up into eight areas and gives ideas for small, manageable goals in each area. So, ideally, after eight weeks, we have strengthened ourselves in a well-rounded way.
Here's why it's awesome...We've all set crazy New Year's resolutions or started a major diet or whatever and we get pumped up about them, right? So, if you're like me, after about a week and a half of dieting or trying to coordinate your children's intricate job chart or have an hour of meaningful scripture study every day, or whatever, you fizzle, right? Then, it's worse than it was before you even started because, not only do you still have the extra weight, no scripture time or disaster of a house, now you have guilt attached to it, because you couldn't handle it. Does any of this sound familliar?
What Connie does in her book is help set small "baby step" goals that are totally reasonable. In each area, she gives room for the goals and why we want them. The chapters are filled with facts, quotes and personal stories (not the kind that make you feel like a loser, more like the kind that make you think, "Oh, she HAS been there) So, a week, we can all handle that, right? I mean there's an end in sight which makes it sooo much more do-able.
Then, here's the best part: the reward. When you've reached your weekly goal, you get to treat yourself to something--a bubble bath, movie, whatever your thing is.
Sounds simple, right? Well, it is. Since I got the book a few weeks ago, I have been able to give it a try. My first try was "Relationships." I have a little guy here who seems to always get into trouble. He is just that kid who's a little trying right now. So, I tried for a week to make an effort to speak positively to him. And it was like a light switch went on in him. He's a completely different kid. Was I just trashing him before? I don't know, but making it a goal to speak positively to him changed my relationship with him.
The next week, I tried to make my personal prayers more meaningful. It has been a wonderful experience as I have found myself growing spiritually for that week. Hopefully, that is one that can stick.
So, since you are reading this to find out about this book, and not my personal problems, here's the deal-e-o... Faithful, Fit and Fabulous is a motivating, uplifting book for you or to give as a gift. Two thumbs up!
Here's the purchase link:
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